Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another....yes, another song....and a little life side note...

I'm on a music kick apparently...

Side note: My mom sent me a wonderful little email today. The title; "Grounded Traveler" -- an article from Yoga Journal. It was about rethinking the concept of "home."

Moms must have a sixth sense of some sort because although I have been extra anxious lately to have a place of my own, to decorate and create my own sanctuary away from the world, to grow a garden etc etc, I don't know that I have actually had many conversations with her about it.

So anyways, with absolute perfect timing, she sent me this beautiful article today about a woman who lost her job, had her boyfriend break up with her and had her landlord threaten to evict her all within just a couple of short months. The woman explains how yoga became her "'safe haven" in countless different living rooms as she moved around in transition and how "the ground didn't cave in -- not even when she learned her ex was expecting his first child with his new girlfriend."

And she concluded saying that "Change had changed me. For the first time, I realized that real estate wasn't the answer. Without a physical space or the stuff to fill it, each day I returned to me. I was the constant. I was the comfort. I was home."

And it got me to thinking (and of course crying) that it's true, that maybe despite all the change that we constantly face in the world, home is not ever that far away, in fact, maybe if we take a step back and take a closer look we will find that as we go on yearning for this ideal "home" in a physical space, the reality is that home is inside of each of us.


comfy cozy said...

Oh Sarah! Yet another pearl of wisdom! Moms ARE simply the best and somehow they do just know things! I'm so glad that article came at the perfect time for you!

Thanks for the reminder of where one's true home is. Sometimes I think I can get carried away with "things" making me happy, which is okay but just in moderation. It's never "things" like a cute handbag or shoes but rather it's usually something that I've created with my hands. Especially the things I create for Hanna! I'm just sayI just think that it's something I need to be aware of. But you'll see, someday when you have a child, you'll find yourself wanting to buy a thing or two that's not really necessary! :)

So, thanks again for sharing your wisdom! Always appreciated!

Tanner Blake's Blog for school. said...

Okay I need to comment on this but baby girl just woke up! I will be back!

Tanner Blake's Blog for school. said...

Hi I'm baaack! Okay, you could just not be any more wise and open to life's lessons!!! I just love that about you!!! Your Mom sounds incredible!! She is adorable too from what I remember from the pictures!!!

I had to learn this concept in a big hurry this year as we moved from owning our own home to renting as the economy crash as well as some other circumstances took a huge bite out of our financial security. Anyway, Sadina used to assure me of this very fact that it didn't matter if we were paying a mortgage or a landlord. All that mattered was that my family was together and happy! It was so true! Honestly, I think we are happier now than before because all the pressure is off! So home truly is where the heart is! You are so right that you are your own home :)! When the day comes that you get to have your very own space I know you will appreciate it so much more due to this time that you had to share :)! We will have to knock your socks off with some housewarming extravaganza! Sadina and I could make banners! :)))))

Thanks again for some great tunes!

and i think to myself...what a wonderful world said...

Lisa and Sadina,

Yes, Moms are great - you guys of all people should know, because you are great moms!

Lisa, thanks for sharing your story and Sadina is right, home is where the heart is and I am happy that your family is healthy and happy and all together under one roof, no matter the circumstances!