Monday, May 4, 2009

God, what are you up to up there?

I have a really amazing story to share.

So if you've read my blog in the last week, you already know that I just finished this incredible book titled, "Happens Every Day," by a woman named Isabel Gillies. You also already know that I have been completely inspired by the strength and grace Isabel demonstrates as she goes through the painful process of losing the father of her children and the man that she loved more than anything in the world. And if you know that, you probably also know that this book has touched my heart in a way that has been so perfectly, exactly what I so needed at this time in my life, that if the story ended there, well in my mind, that in itself would be enough to convince me that there are some pretty incredible higher powers at work out there to bring such a book into my life at just the right time.

But today, another even more amazing chapter unfolded....

Rewind to two weeks ago. I walked into my boss's office and she said, "Sarah I brought in this book for you, I heard about it from a friend, who heard about it on NPR. He loved it and so did his wife so I went out and bought it and it's a really quick read -- it's a story of a woman whose husband leaves her and she is a great story teller, you feel like you are sitting down in a coffee shop with her and it's really uplifting."

I started reading the book that night at the gym, and let me tell you, an hour on the elliptical never passed so quickly. Isabel's story telling, her story and her character completely sucked me in and for the first time since Joe and I had broken up I felt that all of the craziness inside of me had been validated and by the end of the book, I not only felt validated and understood and not so alone, I also truly believed that things were happening for a reason and that a happy ending might still be possible for me.

Fast forward to this morning. My boss would be returning from vacation and so I reluctantly decided it would be good to return the book today. When I got to work I wrote her a small note, thanking her for sharing it with me and placed it in her mail box.

No more than half an hour later I received a phone call. It was someone in the mail room calling to let me know that I had a Fed-Ex package waiting for me. I thought nothing of it, figuring it was some kind of routine package for the press. So, you can imagine my surprise when I retrieved the package and discovered that it was addressed to me personally. It was a package from my dear friend Darrel in New York. I smiled to myself, he is one of those people who is so amazing about carrying out simple acts of kindness whenever he can. I took the package back to my desk, opened it and pulled out a copy of the exact book that I had just returned to my boss, "Happens Every Day."

"This is totally crazy," I thought to myself. "Darrel has no idea that I just finished reading this book, how did he know that I had wished I had my very own copy that morning?"

The story gets better....

A small note was paper clipped to the front of the book. Here is what it said,


Written by an alum of Nightingale (the Private School Darrel works at in Manhattan); she's super sweet and after I was telling her about you, she wanted you to have a copy -- see inscription!

Love, Dfro"

"What?!" I thought, Darrel has actually met this woman, and he talked to her about me? And now Isabel, this woman I have gained so much hope from and have felt this incredible connection with in the past week, knows about little old me and my story?"

"God, what are you up to up there?" I thought, practically shaking in disbelief.

I opened the book and on the first page was a small hand written note that said,

"To Sarah,

With love,

Isabel Gillies"

Now, if this crazy aligning of the universe doesn't leave you filled with wonder, awe, faith and inspiration I am not sure what will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just means you have a lot of people looking out for you!