Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Well hello simple pleasure lists, it's been a while and I've been seriously missing you and well funny thing, after a week of feeling like a dark, storm cloud was hanging over my head - I felt like there were distinct moments today when I was actually watching the cloud breaking up and give way to rays of sunshine. It's funny to me how this always seems to happen after a little rough patch - you know the sunshine coming back here are the ways I witnessed some sunshine coming back in today...

1) Caring, informative doctors.

2) A completely unexpected bonus at work.

3) Hearing a co-worker give genuine and heartfelt praise to another co-worker at our Team meeting today. It just melted my heart. I am so touched by people who take notice of someone else's hard work and have the courage to point it out.

4) Telling the truth! I've been holding in my little health episode of the past 2 weeks at work. And today, I shared the whole story with one of my co-workers and it just felt so good to get it out there. I'm just not happy when I have to hide things and can't be the whole me. And one of the best parts of sharing is the support and understanding that usually comes from the person listening.

5) Haircuts - they give me a fresh start feeling :).

6) Summer squash and green beans from the owner of the hair salon where I get my haircut! A haircut and some fresh, home grown produce - loverly!

7) Finding funny things that loverboy leaves behind....I have a list of my 8 week goals hanging on my fridge - on my last list, one of my goals says,
"Hang Red Bowl"
I have this beautiful red bowl that a friend painted for me and I have been wanting to hang it and I was joking with loverboy about how I needed him to hang it for me. So tonight while I was getting indgredients for dinner out of the fridge - I noticed that this goal had some loverboy scribbling by it and it had been changed to;

">Make Joe Hang Red Bowl"

I laughed hard, out loud. Good one loverboy, good one.


Pipas para la paz said...

Like like like!!! Love love love YOU!

Tanner Blake's Blog for school. said...

I love your simple pleasures lists!!! How cute is lover boy? He sounds like a keeper!

comfy cozy said...

So happy to hear the sun is a-peekin' through!

I couldn't agree more with you; holding things in is pretty toxic- good thing I'm incapable of it! And the bonus is feeling all the love too! :)