Friday, May 28, 2010

Glee and Anna Karenina ;)

Hah! I'm not sure these two things belong in the same sentence, but if you're a gleek like me and are also currently reading Anna Karenina they sure do.

I am loving Anna K. and I love this quote from Anna K. :

"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade." (p.42)

And sure, maybe it's that time of the month, but Tuesday's episode of Glee made me cry and I can't get enough of this song...

Happy Friday!


Tanner Blake's Blog for school. said...

Morning! :) Lovin' it!

comfy cozy said...

I have about 4 new Glee episodes on DVR waiting for me downstairs; I am so behind!

And if you say that tears were shed, I really better get back onboard! Rhetorical question: Isn't what comes out of Sue's mouth so stinkin' funny?! Now I know it's almost always quite mean, but somehow she's able to soften it by her delivery.

Happy Friday dear!

jackattack said...

Sarah, seriously, we need to be hanging out more often. The 1,500+ miles in between might be an issue but...Anna Karenina? Since I usually get mocked and ridiculed for reading and LOVING this book I hadn't considered that other people out there might actually have read and enjoyed it too! Almost THE perfect novel if you ask me. Good work.