Sunday, December 27, 2009

Michael and Donna arrive!

My cousin and his girlfriend arrived in town the day after Christmas from the East Coast. Jess and I welcomed them with a big night out in Pacific Beach dancing the night away. Whew, it's been a while since I've done that but we had a blast! We slept in until about 10:30 the next morning and then scrounged up the energy to hike to the top of Iron Mountain with my parents.

Iron Mountain!

Me, Michael, Donna, Mom and Dad.

Couldn't resist getting a jump picture in at the top!

The perfect end to a big hiking day - lounging in front of the TV watching Planet Earth. I was just eating up the lovely family time!


comfy cozy said...

I could never get enough of your jumping shots- they're awesome!!

What a beautiful place! It looks quite remote, as in mountain lion remote?! I'm such a scaredy cat! :)

Tanner Blake's Blog for school. said...

Me too! Love the jumping!

If I went out clubbing :) and slept until 10:30, no way I could "hike" anywhere but to the couch! The end of your day looked super cozy!